HDD Mud Recycling – Particle Size and Effect
Understanding the nature of drilled solids to be encountered during a drill is critical for determining the optimal mud recycling system. Depending on the anticipated geology of an area, different means of mechanical separation are required. The source of the solids determines the particle sizes entrained in the drilling fluid slurry. These particles range in […]

HDD Drilling – The Rise of Mud Recycling / Solids Control
The process of horizontal directional drilling (HDD) inevitably produces a large amount of liquid waste. Drilling fluid returns from the drill head assembly a mixed slurry of water, chemical additives, and entrained spoils generated from within the borehole. This difficult waste challenge is best tackled by implementing an optimized mud recycling / solids control system […]

HDD Drilling – Why Drilling Mud Matters
The evolution horizontal directional drilling (“HDD”) can be traced back into the early 1900’s. In those days it became known within the oil industry that small deviations in vertical wellbores were happening due to dips and faults in the rock strata, increased weight on bit and the drill strings’ ability to bend. With the development […]

Why is ESG Important
ESG performance is important because it drives companies to focus on their impact on the environment, their people, and on managing the organization well. Each time a company puts ESG into practice, the bar is raised for others in the sector. ESG, which stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance, has two facets: A set of […]

ESG vs Sustainability
Sustainability and ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) are not the same, even though the terms are often substituted. It’s important to distinguish between ESG vs sustainability. While the United Nations coined the term “sustainable development” in 1987, its 2006 Principles for Responsible Investment report called for the addition of ESG criteria to the financial evaluation of […]

What is Environmental, Social, and Governance?
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) is a measurable assessment of a business’ sustainability efforts focused on these three areas. ESG criteria take sustainability activities a step further by quantifying the results a company is achieving today. While the origin of ESG is in developing sustainable investments, it’s also relevant within a privately-held company like Apex. […]

What is Environmental Responsibility?
Environmental responsibility is the duty of a company to conduct business in a way that keeps the environment safe. From complying with legislation to managing waste, recycling and pollution prevention, environmental responsibility programs touch on many aspects of operations. At Apex, environmental responsibility begins with a commitment to finding innovative ways to reduce the environmental […]

Drilling Centrifuge Benefits
Not All Centrifuges are Created Equal. To get the most efficiency, your oilfield centrifuge has to match your drilling requirements. We’ll advise you on what products will work best alone or in combination for your unique project. Wide Selection We carry a wide selection of surface rental equipment from centrifuges, wellsite trailer, generators, tanks, pumps […]